Lo so, siamo in un periodo di crisi nera, lo so, ho bisogno di un part time per conciliare famiglia e lavoro, lo so, il fatto di essere mamma in fase di colloquio mi penalizza, ma possibile che in oltre un anno e dopo una ventina di colloqui di ogni tipo nessuno mi abbia poi richiamata? mi domando se altre mamme come me vivono la stessa situazione e come la vivano..in ogni caso ho deciso di non abbattermi e di godermi il maggior tempo possibile insieme a mio figlio perche' so che dal giorno in cui saro' assunta mi perdero' molte cose..quindi per ora faccio il lavoro piu' importante e se mi permettete anche il piu' difficile del mondo..crescere una creatura e farlo al meglio..la primavera e' alle porte e tra poco potremmo nascondere in armadio piumini, sciarpe e berretti..per ora il gelo ci accompagna ma oggi e' una gran bella giornata..quindi..in giardino!!!
Good day moms! My absence of the last days is justified soon .. I helped a friend in her family bar and I hadn't really time to do anything .. once finished my shift I had to recover the child from grandparents, shopping for the dinner, fix the house, washing machines, dishwashers, diapers, in short, a mess! And I have estimated the mums which work in all the world, which are really wonderwemen! But has been an immense satisfaction to return to work even if for a short time .. after a year at the relentless pursuit of a work occupation.
I know, we are in a period of black crisis, I know, I need a part-time to combine family and work, I know, the fact of being a mother during the interview, penalizes me, but is possible that in over a year, and after many interviews of any kind no one has called me then? I wonder if many other moms are in the my situation and how they live it .. in any case I decided to enjoy more possible time with my son because I know that from the day when I will work, I will lose many things of his everyday life .. so for now I do the work more important and if you will permit also the most difficult: to grow a creature .. and do always my better .. the spring is coming, so we finally can hide in the closet duvets, scarves, caps, and now ..everybody in the garden
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